
You Can’t Get There from Here

by Robert Capozzi

Bridging on Kevin Rollins’s blog, what Robert Kaercher does not address, and Carl Milsted does address, is any sense of process. How do we get from here – lots of coercion – to there – little to no coercion?

Writes Kaercher: “When the parasite eventually exhausts itself, as it inevitably will, the very same 99+% of people who currently say they reject anarchy will be more prepared for anarchy than they realize.

“We just need to persuade them of that crucial idea.”

As measured by per capita GDP, Americans, at least, keep getting richer, despite government growing as a percentage of GDP over time. Americans are practical people, and are like Missourians, who like to say: “Show me.” Based on results, more government would seem to lead to more wealth. While I believe that’s incorrect, that we’d all generally be far wealthier with less government, how can this be demonstrated?

Self-styled “anarchists” seem to remain mum on the matter. Instead, Kaercher seems to be predicting a cataclysmic collapse of Western civilization, at which time 99% will see the light: Big government is a failure, let’s have none! This logic leap is astounding and dumbfounding on its face.

If anything, the opposite is true. In times of crisis, people tend to cede more control to the State, not less.

To say, as Kaercher does, we “just” need to “persuade them” begs the question: With what? Where is the evidence that no state is in any way sustainable or desirable?

-Robert Capozzi